God's Mouth Pieces

There are tons of books out there, and for $5.00 to $25.00 one can get the latest class 101 to the latest this and that. Cool! I read em too. However I would like to share something very profound with you about the office of a prophet. And guess what? "IT IS FREE" and wont cost you a dime. Infact! FREELY I RECEIVE, FREELY I GIVE........ Blessings, in His Most Glorious Name..

Men do not appoint prophets. THE LORD DOES. Books do not pupose prophets, THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST DOES. Books do teach and mentor to prophets, BUT PROPHETS ARE MOVED BY THE HOLY GHOST.

The following scriptures are a personal bible study that the Holy Spirit led me to search out and study after recieving a vision in 1997, that vision being the DAY OF THE LORD and THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST which will soon be posted on this site.

That first vision as the Spirit of Christ came upon me and as I stood in the future, was shown, witnessed, and heard all that was before me within the vision led me deep into the Word of God as the Holy Spirit literally led me on a journey, as I asked one question being "Lord! why have you shown me this".

Such led to a intense 2 year bible study around one vision as the Holy Spirit simply opened the Word of God to me and continued to give me eye's to see, ears to hear and a heart to precieve.

This is one of those bible studies, the 1st.

PROPHET or PROPHETS Inspired Messengers of God" God's Servant - Zech. 1:6 God's Messenger - 2 Chr. 3:16 Holy Prophets - Luke 1:70 Watch Men - Ezek. 3:17
Prophet of God - Ezra. 5:2

MESSAGE OF THE PROPHETS Centered in Christ - Luke 10:24
Interputed by Christ - Luke 24:27 United in Testimony - Acts 3:21, 24
Contain Grace/Salvation - 1 Peter 1:9-21 Abiding Revelation - Matt.5: 17-18

PROPHETS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Paul - 1 Tim. 4:1 Peter - 2 Peter 2:1-2 John - Revelations 1:1

OFFICE BASED ON "Christ's Prophetic Office - Duet. 18:15, 18 thru 22"


FUNCTIONS OF THE PROPHET Strengthen - Acts 15:32 Define God's Will - Acts 13:1-3 Predict the future - Acts 21:10-11
FALSE PROPHETS PROPHECY PEACE Prophecy Peace - Jeremiah 23:17 Doctrine - Is. 8:20 Prophecies - 1 Kings - 13:1-32 Lives - Matt.- 7:15,16

PROPHETIC VISION Understandable - Dan. 7:15-19
Authenticated by Divine Glory - Ezek. 8:1-4
Personal / Phenomenal - Dan: 10:7-9 Dated/
Localized - Ezek. 1:1-3 Prophetic - Dan. 9:21-24
"Absence of Tragic - Proverbs 29:18"
Performance of Sure - Ezek. 12:21-28
Proof of Messianic Times - Joel 2:28 / Acts 2:17 / Ezek. 33:9-12
Conformation (steadfast and sure) - Dan. 9:12-27
Faithfulness in Performance of Duty - Dan: 6:1-3, 28
The Lord's Day - Rev. 1:10
Dreams - Gen.20:3
Prophecy - Gen: 3:15
Holiness of Christ - Prophets - Is. 11:4-5

PRESENCE DIVINE Glory - 1 Chr. 16:27
Joyful - Psalms - 16:11
Protective - Psalms 31:20
Everywhere - Psalms 139:7 Guide - Ex. 33:14, 15

PROPHECY - Inspired foretelling of events Given by God - Is. 41:22, 23
Centered in Christ - Luke 24:26,27,44
Inspired by the Spirit - 2Peter 1:21
Not of one's own interpretation - 2Peter 1:20
Always Relevant - Rev. 22:10

TRUE BASED ON Inspiration - Mic. 3:8
Foreknowledge - Is. 42:9

FALSE BASED ON Peaceful Message - Jer. 23:17-22
Apostasy from God - Deut. 13:1-5
Lying - Jer. 23: 25-34
Scoffing - 2 Peter 3: 3,4

FULFILLMENT OF Unconditional - Ezek. 12:25-28
Sometimes Unconditional - Jon. 3:1-10
Dated - Daniel 9:24-27 Non literal - Matt. 17:10-12
Unrecognized by Jews - Acts 13:27-29
Interpretation of needed - Luke 24:25-44
Often referred to - Matt. 1:22-23 / Matt. 2:14-23

FUTURE - that which is beyond the present Only God knows - Is. 41: 21-23
Revealed by Christ - John 13:19
By the Spirit - John 16:13
Man's Ignorance of - Luke 19:41-44
No provision for, dangerous - Luke 12:16-21
Proper provision for - Matt. 6:19-34

INTREPETATION - making the unknown known Agents of: Jesus Christ - Luke 24:25-47
Holy Spirit - 1 Cor. 2:11-16
Angels - Luke 1:26-37
Prophets and apostles - Eph. 3:2-11

MESSENGER - one sent on a mission Deliver the Lord's Message - Hag. 1:13

RECEPTION OF; Rejected - Deut. 2:26-30
Humiliated - 1 Chr. 19:2-4
Rebuked - 2 Kings 1:2-5, 16

HOLY SPIRIT Prophecy - Rev.19:10
Teaches - John 14:26
Empowers - Mic. 3:8
Truth - John 14:17
Speaks in Prophets - Acts 28:25
Illuminates the Mind - 1 Cor. 2:12-13 / Eph. 1:17-17
Reveals things of God - Is. 40:13-14 / 1 Cor. 2:10-13

MOUNTAIN - High Elevation -
Used for Distant Visions - Duet.3:27
Place of prophecy - Matt. 24:3 Distant Vision - Deut. 3:27
Judgements - Jer. 13:16
Move - To Change Positions - Prophets - 2 Peter 1:21
Signs - God's Wonders - Ps. 65:8
Confirm a Prophecy - 1 Kings 13:3-5

SPIRIT OF CHRIST 1 Peter 1:10 / Gal.4:6 / Rom. 8:9 / Phil. 1:19 / Acts 4:29-31 / Eph.5:18 1 Cor.12:10 / 1 Thess. 5:19-21 / Eph. 5:18
Applied to Gifts - 1 Cor. 12:1
Decernment - 1 Cor. 2:13-15

HOLINESS OF CHRIST Announced in Prophets - Is. 11:4-5
Proclaimed by - Gabriel - Luke 1:35 Peter - Acts - 4:27-30 Paul - 2 Cor. 5:21 John - 1 John 2:1,29

ANOINTING - Pouring Oil Upon Priest - 1 Kings Ex. 29:7 Prophets - 1 Kings 19:16

SACRED PURPOSES Set apart - Ex. 30:22-39
Institute Into Office - 1 Sam. 16:12,13 (Significance of, as indicating)
Divine Appointment - 2 Chn. 22:7 Special Honor - 1 Sam. 24:6, 10
Special Privilege - Psalms 105:15
God's Blessings - Psalms 23:5

APPOINT - to set in an official position or office Prophetic Office - Heb. 3:2 Ordain, establish, set decree - Jer. 1:5
Striving Spiritual To enter the straight gate - Luke 13:24
With Divine help - Col. 1:29 In prayer - Rom. 15:30
For the faith of the gospel - Phil. 1:27
Valley of Decisions - location unknown Called "valley of Jehoshaphat" - Joel 3:2, 12, 14
Refers to final Judgement - Joel 3:1-21

FIRE - Supernatural Uses Manifest God - Ex. 3:2
Indicate God's Power - Ex. 9:24 Express God's Approval - Revelations 9:24
God's Protection - Zech. 2:5
Christ - Mal. 3:2
Holy Sprit - Acts 2:3
Angels - Heb. 1:7
Purification - Is. 6:5-7
Love - Song 8:6 Hot - Heat - Zeal Psalms 39:3 /
Real Faith - Rev. 3:15

FINGER - Used figurately of; God's Power - Ex. 8:19
Lord's Authority - Luke 11:20
Incense - Perfume - Sweet Perfume- Aroma Typical of : Worship - Psalm 141:2
Prayer - Rev. 5:8 / 8:34 Praise - Mal. 1:11
Approved Service - Eph. 5:2
Of Sacrifices - Lev. 26:31
Figurative of gifts - Ph. 4:18
Ointment fragrance - John 12:3
Glories - Psalms 45:8
Righteousness and intercession - Song 3:6
Priestly garments Purpose of: Used in Holy oil - Ex. 30:34-38 "Holy unto the Lord"

We are the temple of God Figurative of: New Life - Hos.14:7
Prayers - Rev. 5:8
Christian Service - Ph.4:18

Fragrance - "a sweet odor" figurative of restoration - Hosea 14:1-9 Lebanon - figurative of Spiritual Transformation- Is.29:17 Spiritual Growth - Hosea 5:7 Frankincense - "fragrant" - figurative of worship Psalms 141:2 Aroma - "a pleasant smell" - figurative of gifts - odor of a sweet smell - a sacrifice well pleasing to God - Phil. 4:18 Sweet - Figurative of Spiritual Fellowship - Psalm 55:14 God's Word - Psalm 119:103

"Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done in earth, as it is in heaven".

Blessings, in Christ
In His Glorious Name Ministries